Phone: +595 21 319-9000
Mobile Phone: +595 971 711 411
Languages: Spanish and English.
Practice Areas: Legal Advice to Companies, Company’s Law, Contractual Law, Civil and
Commercial Law and Foreign Investments.
Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina; Licensed since 2002 in Paraguay. Education: Catholic University of Asuncion (Lawyer). Member: Colegio de Abogados del Paraguay, International Bar Association. Managing Partner of “Peroni Sosa Tellechea Burt & Narvaja” since 2009. Secretary of the Paraguayan British Chamber of Commerce since 2007 to 2009 an catual Vice President of the same. Cross Border Transactions Seminar by Lex Mundi 2008. Co-author of the Paraguayan Civil Code with Comments edited by La Ley Paraguaya S.A.